About Me

Kathy D. Seaboltbio

I have been asked many times how I ever got involved with Health and Medicare Eligible Insurance, so here is my story.

I was able to retire early which allowed me to enjoy more time with my elderly parents. One summer morning I received a frantic call from my mom who expressed her dilemma of being in the “Donut Hole”. I told her to put down the donut! After a lengthy discussion I came to understand that her Medicare Prescription Drug Plan was now at the Coverage Gap Level or “Donut Hole” as it is commonly referred too.

Not really understanding what that meant, I suggested that my mom call her agent and have her come over so that we could discuss the options. Little did I know how much of an educational experience this would be for me. There were so many programs available that needed to work together to provide sufficient coverage, Medicare Supplement, Prescription Drug Plan, and Medicare Advantage. It was confusing to say the least. If I was confused, how was anyone who was elderly and maybe not in good health supposed to understand it all. Even the agent said something that really stuck with me, “You don’t want to be 65 and having to try and learn this”.

Through the course of this process I became friends with my mom’s insurance agent and she ultimately convinced me to join her team. Going through all of the hours of classes I literally had to re-learn my ABC’s and D’s! But it gave me great comfort to know that when I turned 65 I would know what to do. But that doesn’t compare to the joy that I get from bringing that comfort to others. Educating my members and helping them choose the right plan is my highest priority.

I am a Mom of three beautiful grown married daughters, and blessed with three fabulous sons in law. I have 8 grandchildren which bring much joy to me and my husband of over 40 years. I’m sure that they are thankful that I won’t be calling them about the “Donut Hole”!